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The Twitter Coding Interview

What are people saying about Twitter's Interview


  • In general, there seems to be a strong company-wide sense of inclusion and empathy, which really makes Twitter stand out.
  • Solving problems at the scale of Twitter is a good challenge for any engineer.
  • Amazing team support and work life balance. Good growth across technical aspects and soft skills as you move up the ladder.


  • There are frequent re-organizations (every 4-6 months?), and while you learn to roll with the punches, it makes it difficult to plan out longer term projects, since staffing & priorities end up changing.
  • Management clearly way more focused on shipping new products than updating critical outdated infrastructure or even supporting employees careers.
  • The velocity of the work might be a little slow. But this is of course very team dependent

What Twitter employees have to say about interviewing?

What you can expect in the Twitter Interview

What are people saying about Twitter's interview?

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