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The Netflix Coding Interview

What are people saying about Netflix's Interview


  • Managers tell you what needs to be done and why, giving you the freedom to decide how to achieve the goals. Managers are very willing to fire employees who do not get their jobs done or who have bad attitudes, so everyone is good at their job and easy to work with.
  • Strong on freedom and responsibility. but requires a big commitment in return.
  • No junior devs. You get to work with engineers who are smart and competent.


  • Netflix has very strange politics, because people’s jobs are at the whim of their manager. Netflix believes in “360 feedback,” but everybody I know only does that to their peers, and they become very political with their management chain. ​
  • Most managers are stressed out all the time and encouraged to weed out employees no longer useful or not performing to “high standards”. There is an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty. It’s not uncommon to have projects cancelled, teams consolidated, and employees terminated.​

What Netflix employees say about interviewing

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What are people saying about Netflix’s interview?

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