
Find the right answers for all your tech interview prep questions

Is Grokking the Coding Interview good?

Preparing for coding interviews is very crucial for securing a job in top-tier tech companies. The coding interviews are getting harder every passing day, so it’s important to prepare only from the best resources. Grokking the Coding Interview by Educative is a very popular course that has helped developers prepare for coding interviews.

Does system design require coding?

System design has become an integral part of coding interviews. You will see system design questions in your coding interviews, especially when securing a job at top FAANG companies. Even if you’re a developer with expertise in coding, a solid understanding of system design is crucial.

Is using LeetCode worth It?

Leetcode has been on the top of the list when it comes to interview prep. With a large pool of over 3000 coding problems, Leetcode is one of the most used platforms for interview prep. With the increasing popularity of LeetCode, many are questioning whether it’s worth investing time and resources into this platform. LeetCode can be highly beneficial for some individuals, while for others, it might not offer as much value.

What is the difference between URI and URL?

While scrolling through different websites, you must have come across the terms “URI” and “URL” very often. Some people mix them up as well, which is wrong because URI and URL have significantly different meanings. The main difference between them is that URL is a subcategory of URL. This means that URI can represent both URI and URL, but URL can not display or represent URI.